Banderas Bay’s summer months is the time that a variety of sea turtles return to their birthplace. The beaches of Banderas Bay have hundreds of the sea turtles during July through December. It is important for the sea turtles to return to their birthplace to continue their existence. Due to their survival, protective programs were developed throughout the city to protect the sea turtles. The protective programs allows residents and vacationers to get a chance and experience Mother Nature at her finest, and protecting these precious sea turtles.
Saving Olive Ridley Sea Turtles
The citizens of Banderas Bay have done all they can for the last three decades to save the Olive Ridley sea turtles. Restaurants, hotels, tour agencies, and residents have created protective programs to save the sea turtles. There are many reasons why the sea turtles have a hard time surviving. Coastal development, pollution, and just natural predators have decreased the sea turtles lives, not just on Banderas Bay but in many coastal areas. The protective camps are located throughout the city, and they aim to protect the endangered sea turtle species.
Nesting on Banderas Bay’s Beaches
When you come to Banderas Bay during this precious sea turtle season, then don’t be shocked when you see sea turtles on the beaches and resorts throughout the city. While the sea turtles are here they have a goal, and that is to dig their nests, then lay their eggs. The sea turtles spend hours digging their nests, and when they have it just right the sea turtles will lay their eggs. Once they have laid their eggs, then the sea turtles head out to the ocean. The eggs stay in the sand until they hatch, then these baby sea turtles have a hard survival rate. Only one of every 1,000 sea turtle will actually survive. This is why it is essential to help the baby sea turtle species.
Turtle Season Protection Program
Travelers who adore turtles come to Banderas Bay from July-December and take part of the foster program. This will allow the turtle lovers to care, then release their baby sea turtles. Adults and children should take part in this foster program for the sea turtles, because it is an amazing experience that will educate and experience in one’s life. There is something special about holding a baby sea turtle, then watching it head out to the ocean to begin their life.